x = 0,
y = 0,
width = 100,
height = 100,
angle = 0,
strokeColor = "#000000",
backgroundColor = "#868e96",
fillStyle = "solid",
strokeWidth = 2L,
strokeStyle = "solid",
roughness = 0L,
opacity = 100L,
groupIds = list(),
strokeSharpness = c("sharp", "round"),
isDeleted = FALSE,
boundElementIds = NA,
text = "text",
fontSize = 36L,
fontFamily = 1L,
textAlign = "left",
verticalAlign = "top",
baseline = 32L,
version = 1,
versionNonce = 12345
x position of glyph in px
y position of glyph in px
glyph width in px
glyph height in px
in radians
HTML colour code
HTML colour code
"solid" or "hachure" or "cross-hatch"
1 or 2 or 4
"solid" or "dashed" or "dotted"
degree of wiggliness, 0 or 1 or 2
0 to 100
list of strings indicating groupings
"sharp" or "round"
tag for collaboration
list of IDs used for connectors
text string
in pts
1, 2, 3 (FG_Virgil,Cascadia,?)
"left", "center", "right"
"bottom", "center", "top"
offset in pts?
of glyph for collaboration
of glyph for collaboration